Free Tours
Information & current dates for my free tours offered in Graz.
What is a free tour?
Zur Weihnachtszeit laden wir euch zu einer ganz besonderen Tour ein: Erlebt die Magie von Weihnachten bei einem stimmungsvollen Rundgang durch die weihnachtlich geschmückte Altstadt von Graz!
Die Spezial Tour ist entweder buchbar als Graz for You Tour an deinem Wunschtermin um 135 EUR pro Führung oder an folgenden acht fix vorgegebenen Terminen um 16 EUR pro Person.
Date: For a free tour there is no fixed price and no advance payment, but a fixed date set by my colleague Bianca and me
Price: At the end of the tour, participants decide how much they want to pay
Max. participants per tour: 30 people
Language: German
Duration: 1.5 hours
Weather: The tour will take place in any weather
Cancellation: If you have registered for a tour and are unable to attend, we ask you to cancel in good time so that someone else has the chance to take a seat on the tour
Free Tours: Info & Dates
Click on a date in the calendar below and secure your place on the free tour on offer: Book a place for yourself or with a companion(s). You can bring a maximum of ten companions (please be sure to specify this when booking for planning purposes).